A text box reading 'I wish I could go on an adventure with some POKéMON...'

Welcome to the Pokédex!

Pokémon has always been a huge passion of mine, ever since I got my first DS with a copy of Pokémon Diamond (I got Animal Crossing: Wild World, too, but I didn't like that as much until I was a little older.

As you might expect, this has resulted in me being genuinely obsessed with Pokémon as an adult, so I've got that going for me.

That in mind, I wanted to make a little hub area on my site where I could talk about Pokémon specifically, and where I could put, like, fake Pokédex entries and stuff like that...

So this is that area! :D

Currently this place is under a heavy WIP, but I do feel good about making it public now. Take a look around if you like, or alternatively feel free to hit the home button in the navigation box to head back to the main site!


Some Pokémon-themed Sites I Like

(Plus some gifs of my favorite Pokémon! ♡)

I'm really fond of the Nose Club- its webmaster has such lovely art and such a charismatic writing style! Also his love for Nosepass is really admirable.

Admittedly, I don't know much about BMF, both because I didn't grow up with the classic Pokémon and because I never really got around to it. BMF makes me want to try, though, and the site is a beautiful show of love for early Pokémon.

Yeah this was a given.

I have a huge admiration for Joe Merrick and a massive amount of respect for the Serebii page. It and he are undeniably cornerstones of the fandom, and the sheer dedication he's got to cataloguing and archiving everything Pokémon is inspirational.

Despite my respect for Serebii, Pokémon Database was my primary resource when it came to everything Pokémon for the longest time, and I still make use of their sprite galleries when I just need to see them all in one place.

I love Pokémondb :)