
It's unclear where Mozer came from, but it makes its life on the grassy outskirts of the city, making a pest and nuisance of itself in its neverending quest for food and entertainment.MOZER
Mozer is a dusty, hard-to-classify thing with fur and feathers. It goes 'mrrp' sometimes. I got it for free from a group that I subsequently ditched once I finished all my obligations for it then immediately redesigned it so it didn't have anime eyes. I like it a lot better now.
(Ivan Ov images are placeholders while I figure out Better ones.)

Make no mistake, it's very intelligent, but it does not have any lights on upstairs- it's frequently had to be bailed out after getting trapped in dumpsters and such in the 'burbs. It's capable of some genuinely impressive problem-solving, but it's extremely stupid.

It's unclear if Mozer is the only one of its species, but it's the only individual that's been currently recorded. It doesn't seem all too concerned about being critically endangered, though, is the thing.
Mozer seems to be omnivorous, diet consisting of practically anything it can find. It enjoys eggs.
Toyhou.se - Lore - Meta Commentary

Toyhou.se - Lore - Meta Commentary
