
Ivan Ov was born in the toxic slutch. Originally a Soviet knockoff of Freddy Fazbear named Francis Friendbear, he is currently housed in a faux-funcade in an abandoned arcade strip for his enrichment.IVAN OV THE HOMUNCULUS
Ivan Ov (pronounced alternately as "eye-van ov" and "ee-van ov") is a large homunculus made of metal, fabric, and some kind of unidentified fluid. I'm very fond of him for reasons I can't quite place, and find him genuinely very funny. Every time someone has drawn him for me, it has been a surprise.
Ivan Ov spends his days guzzling toxic waste, wandering in happy but aimless circles, and very loudly declaring whichever new ideas pop into his brain(?)*. He speaks in the third person.

Though he at one point was a robot, now it's unclear what he is. Nobody really wants to open him up and find out.
You know, with the toxic slutch and all.
Toyhou.se - Lore - Meta Commentary

Toyhou.se - Lore - Meta Commentary
