December 3rd, 2023 -

ive always felt a kinship with charlie brown is that like weird of me
I'm watching a ToadBup video right now as I'm writing this so this is gonna be like super stream of consciousness.
First of all: finally got my Pokemon pages up. I'm happy about that because I like Pokemon but my brain is also in pain (ache) (of the head) so I'm not sure I can appreciate it as much. At least I'll be able to look back on it when I'm less busy.
I've been like...super busy lately. And by super busy I mean barely at all but I'm spending a ridiculous amount of, like, emotional bandwidth just Existing recently.
Part of it is Christmas season, but not because the holiday itself stresses me out.
I'm working for the Christmas season, retail (of course), I've got 5 hour shifts tomorrow and Tuesday then 8 hour shifts every Saturday until Mariah Carey is banished for another year.
It is also cold as hell where I am. Like, cold enough that I get headaches from being outside, which I didn't actually know could happen.
(Maybe I'm just dehydrated. Big possibility.)
I've also gotta study for a CLEP exam in a few weeks (on the 14th), which if I pass will get me [looks at my notes] credits that I can use to Look Good to universities. Particularly the university I'm applying to, which I'm very stressed about getting into for reasons one might be able to predict.
I'm very tired bro. Mega eepy. I should go to bed soon.
I'm glad to have this project to distract me. There's a lot of stuff I've got going on and procrastinating probably isn't the best way to cope with it but I gotta do somethin, you know?
What eva. I think I just like talking to people. Or the idea that I'm talking to people. I love people.
Go look at Bebosa. I like him.
pece oute besties (* ̄3 ̄)╭ muack